Faith Missionary Church Inc History
As of August 2016
In 1913, the people of this community saw the need to have a place to fellowship and learn about the way, character and love of God; a place where the children could have an opportunity to receive an education. In satisfying this need, they built a one room log house called at that time “Timberlake Hall”. Timberlake Hall served both as school and a place of worship for the community.
Initially, Church service were held on every fourth Sunday and Sunday School every Sunday of each month. This schedule remained the same until different ministers were invited to deliver the Sunday message. Reverend Ernest Walker and Reverend George Alston were the first ministers to preach the Sunday message. The first officers were Brother John Harris, who acted as Superintendent of the Sunday school and Mary O. Green, Secretary.
Still under the name of Timberlake Hall, the second and third teachers were Mrs. Glennie Yarborough McKeathlean and Mrs. Lucy Yarborough respectfully. The last teacher for Timberlake Hall School was Mrs. Louise P. Johnson who taught for one year due to consolidation, thus ending the community schools. Timberlake Hall and Shady Grove Schools were consolidated in 1931 and was named Franklin County Training School, located on West River Road in Louisburg, NC. It was which was later re-named Riverside High School and grew to be the largest school in the county and remained the largest until integration some 37 years later (1968).
The families continued to make sure their children received the religious foundation and education for a well-rounded life. They held several activities each year including the school-closing program, which started in 1916. The Timberlake Hall building was too small for the people to set and watch the program. They put the ideals of a group of community members; Sister Halcy B. Evans, Sister Mary B. Lewis, Sister Annette Lawrence, Sister Eva Moss, Sister Ora B. Cooke and program participants into place. They constructed a plank stage across the door. In front of the stage, were the seats and a bush harbor with poles? Green bushes were placed across the top of the bush harbor to provide shade for the audience. The program lasted for hours with drills, singing, plays, and at the end, everyone received a treat of a red stick of candy and a big red apple.
The next activity was the Annual Picnic. At the picnic each year, a guest minister gave a sermon, followed by tables spread with all the goodies one could find in the community. The families responsible for the many activities were:
Brother Charlie & Fannie Moss |
Brother Jerry Cooke, Sr. |
Brother Albert Ward, Sr. |
Brother Richard & Ora Cooke |
Brother Tom Davis |
Reverend George Alston & Laura |
Brother Will & Mattie Perry |
Brother Edward Perry |
Brother John Harris |
Brother Roy & Halcy Evans |
Sister Jessie Cooke Sutton |
Under the leadership of Reverend Ned Jones, the Church was reorganized in 1932 and the name was changed to Timberlake Grove Baptist Church. For many years, the people of this community worshipped in the small church, not owning the land. Thanks to two sisters who were acquainted with the owners, Sister Mary B. Lewis and Sister Ora B. Cooke. The Timberlake family gave an acre of land to the members of the Church on February 22, 1956. Unfortunately, a stipulation was included: The Church would always remain the Timberlake Grove Missionary Baptist Church. As the Church grew the members began to take more active roles in the church.
Under the guidance of Reverend Jones and Sister Irene Cooke Keith (the Church Clerk) and Mr. Charles Cooke (the Financial Secretary), the Church moved forward. During Reverend Jones’ tenure, a note choir was organized under the direction of Mrs. Halcy B. Evans and Brother Fred Moss, Sr. Sister Evans later organized a Sunshine Band which became the choir singing hymns and gospel music with Sister Helen Brodie being the organist. Other organists were Brother James Ruffin, Brother Herman Nicholson, Brother Robert Harris and Deacon Auburn (Crook) Foster. Reverend Jones led faithfully until his death after which the Reverend Jeff Crudup became pastor of the Timberlake Grove Baptist Church.
Reverend J. A. Watson was the next to serve as pastor and under his leadership; Sister Halsy B. Evans organized the Missionary Circle and the Usher’s Ministry. Under the watchful eye of Sister Evans, who often filled in during an Usher member’s absence, insured that the services move along smoothly.
While still under the leadership of Reverend J. A. Watson, George Harris, Jr. became a very strong and dedicated Youth Leader. He served as Sunday School Teacher and Superintended and President of the BTU. He always stressed the importance of education to all youth. Brother Harris would sponsor the church picnic at his home with softball, horse shoes, and plenty of good eating for all. Reverend Watson was dedicated and served the church and the community faithfully until his death in 1977.
Reverend John Lee was the next Pastor of Timberlake Grove Baptist Church. During his tenure the Youth (Junior) Choir was organized with Sister Pauline Brodie Clifton as the organist. Morning worship service was extended to two Sundays each month, (1st & 3rd).
Reverend John H. Barnes succeeded Reverend Lee in 1980. It was under Reverend Barnes’ leadership that new additions to the building, central air conditioning, heating, a sound system, and new piano was acquired. Sister Faye Neal became the Director of the Music Department. Under this ministry, the Youth was revitalized and Brother Brandon Neal became the first drummer of the Department. The Male Chorus was founded. The Young Adult Choir transitioned to the Gospel Outreach Choir.
Three Deacons were ordained, Deacon Charlie Burk, Deacon John Clemons and Deacon Samuel Burrell with the senior deacons being Deacon Joe Henry Dunston and Deacon George Harris, Sr. The first associate minister to be ordained was Reverend Ronald T. Davis; in addition, Timberlake Grove was blessed to have two Trustees appointed, Stephone Rushing and Joe E. Dunston. Worship service was extended to three Sundays per month. Due to the work of the Missionary Circle, the work Missionary was added to the name, becoming Timberlake Grove Missionary Baptist Church. Reverend Barnes was a faithful servant until his retirement in 1995, after which Reverend Davis served as acting Pastor.
Again, God blessed us with a Shepherd, the Reverend Alexander B. Herring in October of 1996. Under the guidance of Reverend Herring, we extended our worship service to four Sundays. During this time, a former member returned home as minister and began serving as an Associated Minister, Minister Dorothy Kearney. Again, through the generosity of the Timberlake family, in September 1997, they donated another acre of land to the church with again a stipulation; it could not be used as a cemetery.
In 1998, the Timberlake Grove Missionary Baptist Church family was blessed with another anointed Associate Minister, Minister Lois Davis and a 1st Lady, Sister Valerie Herring. Reverend Herring’s spiritual guidance and vision for the growth of Timberlake Grove Missionary Baptist Church was truly a blessing from GOD, and our theme for the future was, “Going up a Little Higher Together”.
In 1999, Timberlake Grove Missionary Baptist Church had their 1st woman Revivalist, Reverend Sonya Ellerbee of Salisbury, North Carolina. On August 22, 1999, Reverend Herring delivered his last message to the congregation of Timberlake Grove Missionary Baptist Church, after accepting pastorate in neighboring Wake County. At that time, the guidance of the Church was left in the hands of Deacon John Clemons, Chairman of the Board of Deacons.
In February of 2000, after having her singing anniversary at other venues in the county, Sister Wynella Clifton Moore brought her anniversary home to Timberlake Grove Missionary Baptist Church where it remained.
On January 14, 2001, after 1 ½ years of leadership by Deacon John Clemons, a GOD sent shepherd, Kelvin Gregory Hall was installed as Pastor of Timberlake Grove Missionary Baptist Church. With Pastor Hall’s installation came a new family, 1st Lady Annette Moore Hall, a son Joshua and a daughter Faith. Soon after Pastor K.G. Hall’s tenure began, Timberlake Grove Missionary Baptist Church purchased a Church van, which has been a valuable asset for the church. Fifth Sunday worship service was added, two Associate Ministers were ordained, Minister Lois Davis and Minister Dorothy Kearney. Brother Jimmy A. Moore was ordained as a Deacon in February 2003. Two Trustees were added, Brother Charlie Vines and Brother Royal Grantham. Several new ministries were initiated; Couples, Singles and New Members.
In 2004, Timberlake Grove Missionary Baptist Church was blessed with two new Trustees: Brother Earlie Sutton and Brother Kenneth Bullock. The year 2004 was also marked as a year of sorrow for Timberlake Grove Missionary Baptist Church, due to the loss of our Elder Deacon George Harris, Sr.
Pastor K. G. Hall and the Church leaders recognized the need for expansion to include a cemetery. However, the Timberlake family still would not allow a cemetery on the land. Knowing this, under the Leadership of Pastor Hall, the members began the search for land in the area with little success of finding suitable land. Due to a praying Pastor and his Faith and relationship with GOD, Pastor Hall made a recommendation to put a hold on the land search but continue praying. The prayers were answered when Deaconess Lois Mae Rogers informed the members of available land located 1 ½ miles away and Brother Fred Moss, Jr. was willing to sell it. The 4.2 acres of land was purchased, Pastor Hall and the Board of Deacons and Trustees walked the land and Prayed over it.
In 2005, great things happened at Timberlake Grove Missionary Baptist Church; GOD continued to go before us, charting new opportunities for growth through ministry. We secured a loan through First Citizens Bank, then organized and commissioned teams to spear head fundraising efforts. Plans for Phase One of the new sanctuary and cemetery were set. Members also prayed for guidance in the decision as we went forth in a new sanctuary, with a new start, buy a rich, family orientated history. Do we keep the same name or do we change our name? After much deliberation, names were submitted to the Deacon Board and presented at conference for voting. From our beginning as Timberlake Hall, we progressed to Timberlake Grove Baptist Church, then to Timberlake Grove Missionary Baptist Church and after much praying, we are progressing as Faith Missionary Baptist Church. The land breaking service was conducted on Sunday, December 4, 2005.
On December 3, 2006, we held our last 11:00am worship service at Timberlake Grove Missionary Baptist Church and the Dedication Service at Faith Missionary Baptist Church was at 4:00pm. This was a momentous occasion and a great cause for celebration. We have strived and prayed for continued guidance from GOD and HE has indeed blessed us.
The year 2007 was a cause for sadness as well as rejoicing. Our Senior Deacon Joe Henry Dunston was called home to be with the LORD on April 5th. On July 29th, Associated Minister Elder Ronald Davis was called to Pastor Faith Temple Church in the neighboring community of Nashville, NC.
For many years the Souls of Calvary appeared on two different singing anniversaries each year to support our church body. Only one member of the group, Brother Kenneth Moore, is a member of our church. However, due to their continued dedication, support and service, they are considered our Brothers in Christ and are honorary members of this body.
GOD continues to lead us to new opportunities for change and growth as a church family and to share HIS WORD and love with everyone. As we progressed through 2008, new ministries were birthed. The Prison Ministry was continued from 2007. There was a vision to visit those who were not able to come to us. We have been encouraged and blessed to continue our liaison with the area Men’s Correctional facility here in Franklin County. The LORD also blessed us with the opportunity to visit the Women’s Correctional facility in neighboring Wake County, to provide a WORD from GOD and prayer. We held a CPR Certification class at Faith Missionary Baptist Church and were blessed that some of our members passed the certification test. Also in 2008, we held our second Women’s Conference which was hosted by the Deaconess Ministry. New ministries are always encouraged. The Education Support Ministry was started to help guide the youth spiritually and educationally. The first Youth Conference was held on November 1, 2008, where speakers talked to the youth and parents about gang violence, education and how they need to always put GOD first in everything they do. Our children’s church is in the capable hands of Sister Mary Baker Spencer with assistance from Sister Shane Hicks and Sister Faith Hall.
2009 came upon us fast and we looked forward to all the blessings and opportunities GOD bestowed upon us. The past year has had some sad times with the loss of Trustee Earlie Sutton and some joyous times such as new ministry, The Career Service Ministry and a new Trustee, Brother Christopher Bullock. The LORD has brought us a long way and with continuous prayer, we hope to be blessed further in the future.
In September 2010, we were blessed with the arrival of another Associate Minister, Minister Randy Lassiter. Later his family became members of Faith Missionary Baptist Church also. Our faith, strength and trust were truly put to the test from November 22, 2010 through January 31, 2011. The LORD called five of our church family members home; Brother William Spencer, Brother John Crudup, Sister Denise Hall-Wray, Sister Pattie Clemons and Sister Wynella Clifton Moore. But with GOD on our side and love and prayer, we made it through.
October 2012 brought us yet another Associate Minister, Minister Carla Jones and her family became members of Faith Missionary Baptist Church. The Youth membership has continued to grow into 2013. At the present time, we have two Trustees in training; Brother Perelle White and Brother Michael Davis. As we celebrate this date, November 17, 2013,our CENTENNIAL YEAR, we pray that the LORD will continue to show us the way through our Shepherd, Pastor K.G. Hall, as we begin the journey to the BI-CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY, NOVEMBER 2113.